Wheely ½ ☆☆☆☆ | Movie Review


When Wheely gets damaged in a race he is forced to retire and... ugh I'm sorry but who really knows what this film was about.


The instant this started I was aware I was watching something that made me think of Saturday morning cartoons, but not the good ones, the bizarre ones you'd get on Channel 5 really early. The animation looks very cheap and I'm not really sure how it made it to the big screen.

We're given a terrible script, and I was way more annoyed by the following line than I should have been... "On the count of three. 3... 2..." If it's on the count of three then you count up to 3, not down to it.

Every character is a bad knock-off of one from Cars and all the stereotypes are much more pronounced. Putt Putt is probably the most likeable one and yet it's difficult to understand why he's been given the worst scripting of them all. Wheely himself is unlikable throughout, and at no point do you ever root for him to be victorious.

The only things that I actually enjoyed about the film where Frank, the cardiologist truck who fixes Wheely and looks like Frankenstein's Monster, the Hannibal Lecter truck in prison who is kitted out with the face mask grill and straight jacket straps on his tank, and the random disguises Putt Putt and Wheely adopt towards the end of the movie... I hope that clip makes it to YouTube because that's the only bit I'd advise watching.

I have already talked way too long about this film... It's a very VERY poor knock-off, kids may well enjoy it (although there were none there so I couldn't tell you) but if you have to go with them to see it you will likely just be frustrated.

What you should do

Watch every movie in the Cars franchise instead.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

The 90 minutes... Jesus!!! 90 minutes?!? I'd really like those minutes of my life back.
